Universal Plant
Medicine Association

Enhancing Life

Satisfied Customer

What is UPMA?

Universal Plant Medicine Association (UPMA) is a non-profit organization that offers bursaries and scholarships. To post-secondary students pursuing studies in agriculture and horticulture disciplines at prestigious universities worldwide, starting with Guelph and McGill Universities in Canada. Our organization is dedicated to supporting and empowering students in these fields through financial assistance.

7 Pillars of Plant Medicine

Join Us!

Be the Catalyst for Change:
Shape a Sustainable Future through Plant Medicine

Join UPMA today and be a part of the green revolution. Together, we can shape a sustainable future through plant medicine. 


Rooted in nature's wisdom, the Universal Plant Medicine Association sprouts healing possibilities for a flourishing world - where the essence of every plant holds the power to nurture, revive, and inspire the growth of a healthier, harmonious existence.

Founder of UPMA and GanjaPapa

Areas of Emphasis

Community Discussion


UPMA is a non-profit and relies on memberships and donations to serve the plant medicine community.

Your donations will help fund inclusivity within the plant medicine industry, promote environmental and economic change, and award education and scholarship opportunities to the people who need it most.